Top Medical Billing Companies in USA

Top Medical Billing Companies in USA

Running a medical practice efficiently can be a daunting task and requires a lot of effort. Similarly, dealing with rejected claims and pending payments add administrative burden. For a medical practice to run successfully, you need to avoid unpaid invoices and delayed reimbursements. Outsourcing medical billing to a professional company allows you to save time and money. There are many billing companies offering services to medical practices. However, choosing the best one can be challenging at times. There is a track record of success that most medical billing companies show with respect to successful clients and revenue maximization for practices.

We have compiled a list of top medical billing companies in USA based on their customer support and quality of service they offer. It will help you save time in deciding which one is the best for you.

Key Factors to Consider While Choosing Top Medical Billing Company?

Here are a few factors that will help you decide the best billing company for your practice.

How Much Experience and Expertise It Offer?

At least 5 years of experience in the market shows that the billing company has a number of successful clients. Likewise, if it is more than 5 years, you can go for it. Moreover, it should have billing experience in your desired specialty. For instance, you want mental health billing services, try to select a billing partner that knows the ins and outs of mental health practices. As a result, you will be able to maximize your revenue and streamline reimbursements.

Certified Team of Coders and Billers

Certified billers and coders know the discrepancies in the claim submission process and understand the overall process. In addition, it depicts that the team of billers is knowledgeable and undergone appropriate training. So, you are able to get your pending claims effectively.

Tech Oriented Billing Company

The use of technology and automation shows that the top medical billing company you are looking for possess the latest tools. Similarly, the billers should be adept at using various EHRs and use tools to speed up their tasks.

Reporting and Analytics

Top billing companies share information with you at every step of the journey. What is the current accounts receivable? How they are going to bring your lost AR? The details of payments and aging AR should be shared with the medical practice.

Customer Support

High-quality customer support keeps you pain-free. Similarly, the best medical billing companies offer the best customer service and keep you posted all the time. Plus, their dedicated account managers stay in touch with you whenever it is required. Moreover, the billers should address your concerns on time and help you in every step of the way.

What Pricing the Billing Company Offer?
The typical price range lies between 5 to 10% of the overall collections. However, some billing companies offer lesser prices to gain competitive edge over others. If you are going for a lesser pricing, try to figure out how they are going to solve your billing needs. Are they offering the specific billing services that you want? Finding the top medical billing company optimizes the revenue cycle management process of your practice. So, make a wise decision.

Top 5 Medical Billing Companies in USA
Improve the financial well-being of your medical practice with these top billing companies. We have summarized a list and show how they can help you optimize the revenue cycle process.

1. AthenaHealth
Being one of the best medical billing companies, AthenaHealth helps over 150,000 healthcare provides to get paid on time. Similarly, their experts help streamline your workflow and increase your revenue. Also, AthenaHealth stays in touch with the ever-changing healthcare industry regulations and offer the best services for medical practices. So, their team is not going to disappoint you at any point of time.

2. AdvancedMD
AdvancedMD offers practice management software and medical billing services to providers across the US. In addition, the software has a monthly subscription and allows physicians to optimize their practice workflows. Similarly, they have a team of experienced professionals that help increase your revenue and minimize claim denials from payers. With years of experience and the right expertise, AdvancedMD adds value to your medical practice.

3. MediRCM
MediRCM aims to optimize practice revenue and minimize the days of accounts receivable. With the best pricing and the top industry professionals, MediRCM provides revenue cycle management services to all type of medical practices. Their team is well-versed with the billing and coding regulations. In addition, MediRCM improves the overall medical practice and considered a top medical billing company in USA.

4. Kareo
Kareo is a renowned all-in-one platform for independent physicians. Similarly, a wide range of physicians use Kareo and the company offers medical billing software and EHR. Also, they offer a practice management software to reduce administrative burden of medical practices. Likewise, their customer support and easy-to-use software has won the hearts of providers and billers. If you own a small independent practice, Kareo is a go-to solution for you.

5. CareCloud
CareCloud is one of the largest medical billing company that has helped providers for years. In addition, their medical billing professionals are experienced and possess the relevant expertise. They also offer an EHR and practice management solutions. In addition, it charges a percentage of collections to streamline your billing. Also, medical practices can improve revenue cycle process, reduce delayed reimbursements, and increase overall efficiency with CareCloud.

These top medical billing companies in USA are a solution to your healthcare revenue cycle problems. Similarly, you can reach out to their experts to discuss your concerns. Likewise, these billing companies increase the efficiency of the overall process of your practice. You can streamline front office and back office tasks by hiring one of these medical billing service providers. Outsource medical billing to professional companies allow you to focus on patient care and avoid the stress of losing money. From claim submission process to minimizing the days in AR, you can get it all done. So, hire the best billers and improve your practice.